Dear Carers,

As we start to settle into the new year, we continue with the struggles of COVID and the uncertainty it brings. We struggle to see some of the divides that are happening between those who feel ‘COVID safe’ and those who don’t. We know that for many carers there are still very real concerns about COVID and the impact that having the disease could have on the people they care for. We continue to push the Government to consider carers in their decision making - to ensure access to vaccines, PPE and RATs for those who need them most, to provide accurate and timely information and support. We will continue to advocate, speak and represent the concerns we are hearing to ensure that you have the supports you need and are not forgotten as we move into a post pandemic world.  

Within Carers ACT we have slowly and carefully started to resume in-person activities where possible, to give carers a chance to engage with each other on a more personal level where they feel comfortable. As per the public health advice, we will continue to implement COVID-safe measures and require that masks be worn at all times during these activities to ensure the safety of participants and staff. We ask that you consider other carers and the people they care for by not coming to a Carers ACT venue or event if you are not feeling well.  

This month we are once again launching the Carer Wellbeing Survey which asks carers to share your experiences. I encourage you to take part in this important survey, as it will shape the services to support the wellbeing of carers, ensuring you have a good quality of life while providing support to the people you care for. 

We have started a campaign on the Cost of Caring in the ACT, asking Members of the Legislative Assembly to provide funding and support for the implementation of the ACT Carer Recognition Act and the ongoing implementation of the ACT Carers Strategy. We are using the data from the 2020 Carer Wellbeing Survey to demonstrate the impact of caring on people in the ACT and to debunk some of the myths about caring (such as the availability to call on help from family and friends which more than 25% of you said you couldn’t do). We want to raise awareness of carers within the ACT and to have our decision makers understand the impact of caring. 

A massive congratulations to our Mental Health Carers Voice team who conducted a very successful conference for mental health carers on 18 Feb. The day was attended by over 100 people who learnt about new initiatives and supports, built connections with each other, were inspired and challenged and who shared compassion in listening to each other's stories. I want to leave you with the concept that was most inspiring to me from the day. Petrea King (Quest for Life) talked about the concept of filling your bucket first so that you can give to others from the overflow. Just a different way of looking at self care. We often think about meeting everyone else’s needs first and leaving mine to the end. Turning that on its head and thinking about how much more effective I could be if I filled myself first and then gave what was left to others has certainly left me pondering.  

Please do not hesitate to call on us if you need assistance, support or information. Should you need support in accessing vaccinations or testing, we are also on hand to provide assistance. You can call us on (02) 6296 9900, email, or get in touch with your care planner who can directly assist you. 


Lisa Kelly


For a second year, Carers Australia has partnered with the University of Canberra on behalf of the Department of Social Services to conduct a national survey into the wellbeing of carers and their use of support services. Survey results will be used to determine how we can improve supports for carers across Australia. 

All survey participants aged 16 or older who complete the survey before 31st March 2022 can enter the prize draw to win one of 13 prizes worth a total of $5,000, including a first prize of a $1,500 gift card, second prize of a $1,000 gift card, third prize of a $500 gift card, or one of 10 runner-up prizes of a $200 gift card.  

Complete the survey here or by going directly to the survey at

You can access the results from last year's survey on the Carers Australia website.  



Carers Australia and the National Carer Network are calling on all political parties to commit to addressing the needs of Australia’s 2.65 million carers ahead of the Federal Election in 2022 as outlined in a Federal Election Platform and 2022-23 Budget submission. The platform includes a call for Government to name a Minister for Carers to lead a whole-of-government approach to carer recognition, inclusion, and support, as well as a Commissioner for Carers to lead development of a new National Carers Strategy. The Carers Australia 2022 Federal Election Platform is available here and 2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission available here.  

The election campaign is built on the data from a commissioned report by Evaluate on The True Cost of Caring. The modelling in this report found that on average, carers who care more than 20 hours per week lose $39,600 in income for every year they provide care and $17,000 in superannuation. This cost is too high for carers to carry for engaging in a caring relationship. We are calling on the Government to commit to funding superannuation for carers and/or increase carer payments. 



The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare has released a new easy-to-read flyer for consumers of health services, their families and carers, to provide a quick-reference summary of the seven healthcare rights. The new consumer flyer describes what to expect when receiving healthcare and is useful to help patients and their carers have conversations with their clinicians about healthcare rights. The Charter applies to care provided in all health settings, including public and private hospitals, general practice, dental services and other community settings. You can find the My Healthcare Rights flyer here

For more information, email



The latest videos celebrating inclusion in Canberra have been released. The Inclusion in Business video features members of the ACT Disability Reference Group highlighting how businesses in Canberra have risen to the challenge throughout the pandemic by providing inclusive access and services such as working from home technology, contactless delivery, and telehealth appointments.   
You can also view other videos celebrating inclusion in our community such as the Inclusion and Employment video, the Inclusion in Housing video, and the Inclusion in Government Health Services video on the Involved website.


Caring for a loved one is important work. Some days caring brings great joy, but some days it can be lonely or a little overwhelming. No matter how you feel today, there is a counselling professional just a phone call away. The Carer Gateway Counselling Service can help by providing free and confidential counselling over the phone on weekdays, from 8am to 6pm. Our professional counsellors are waiting to talk through the concerns you have and how you feel about your carer role.  

To learn more about how counselling helps carers, or to access our counselling service visit Carer Gateway Counselling. You can also call 1800 422 737 and Select Option 2 to speak to one of our team members. 



The right questions can help you get the right outcomes. This Canberra Health Literacy Network webinar explores how asking questions can help you make decisions about health care. Sometimes knowing what to ask your doctor or other health provider can be hard. Choosing Wisely has come up with 5 simple questions to ask before any test, treatment, or procedure to help you get the care that’s right for you.  

Join the webinar on Thursday 3 March at 12.30pm via WebEx. Register at Eventbrite.  

For more information, visit: Consumers and carers - Choosing wisely 



Take Control – Live Well is a FREE 3-week group program for adult (18+) ACT residents with a chronic health condition (lasting 3+ months) that gives you the skills and confidence to take control of your condition to improve your health and wellbeing. Connect with others and get support to make changes and live well. You will learn helpful strategies for living with a chronic condition such as how to make the most of health appointments, looking after your mental and physical wellbeing and where to get support and reliable information.  

Find more information on this course and how you can register at the Take Control – Live Well web page or call the Central Health Intake on (02) 5124 9977. 



ACT public schools have introduced a range of COVID-19 health and safety measures to protect students and staff as outlined in the health guidelines for schools. These guidelines apply to all schools, early learning centres and out of school hour care providers. Information and resources are also available to support families and students with disability in ACT public schools and is available on the Education Directorate website.  

The ACT Education Directorate also provides links to the following resources:  

Supporting children with autism spectrum disorder in the COVID-19 environment 

Parenting children with a disability during COVID-19 

COVID-19 Parenting – Tips for children with disabilities 

ACT Education - Resources to support home learning - Disability Support (

Routines and children with disability (0-8 years) 

Podcast – Parenting in a pandemic – Episode 12: Supporting children with diverse needs 


Mandatory face mask requirements in the ACT will ease from 6:00pm on Friday (25 February 2022). In response to the current COVID‑19 situation, the Chief Health Officer has recommended reducing the requirement to wear a mask indoors to only high-impact settings such as public transport, hospitals, residential aged care facilities, correctional facilities or residential accommodation facilities. Masks are also required for workers who provide services to a person with a disability and workers for in-home and community aged care providers. Students in years 7 to 12 are also required to wear a face mask while in an indoor space at school.

For more information, visit: Mandatory mask requirements ease in the Territory - COVID-19



People with disability who have completed their primary course of a COVID-19 vaccine at least three months ago are eligible for a booster dose. Furthermore, severely immunocompromised individuals who have received 3 doses are recommended a booster dose (fourth dose) 3 months after their third dose. The Department of Health’s website has Easy Read information including: 
COVID-19 vaccines – The difference between the third dose and a booster dose – Easy Read.  

An Access and Sensory Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination clinic located at Weston Creek Community Health Centre is also available to provide greater access for people with disability, people with mental health conditions, or those who may need additional support.  

If a person with disability feels they may need to be vaccinated in their home because they have significant barriers to accessing other vaccination options, they can contact the ACT vaccination booking line on 02 5124 7700 (choose option 3 for the dedicated disability line). 

For more information, visit: COVID-19 Vaccine



NDIS has recently announced that eligible NDIS participants can purchase rapid antigen tests with funding from their NDIS plan, to ensure safe access to their supports in current COVID-19 outbreaks. Participants may also purchase rapid antigen tests for their support workers as needed to ensure they can safely receive supports. 

For more information, visit: NDIS participants can use plan funds to claim for rapid antigen tests



From 3 Feb, the ACT Government is providing Rapid Antigen Tests to the aged care and disability sectors as a temporary solution in place for four weeks to allow the market to establish supply. The scheme is also available to older Canberrans who have increased vulnerability to the impacts of COVID-19 and self-managing NDIS participants who use support workers to provide in-home personal care, so they can provide tests to the frontline workers they engage. RATs will be provided in allocations for a one-week period and are limited to five tests, per week, per worker. More information and the application form can be found here


Our Advocacy team hit the ground running right after the festive celebrations to advocate for carers on several important issues. 

We have been busy working with the Health Directorate and the Community Service Directorate regarding availability of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) and access to in-reach testing and vaccinations for carers. Where you draw our attention to issues, we do our best to bring them to the attention of people who can help. For example, we have asked questions about in-reach testing for young carers, we have asked for guidelines for accurately conducting RATs for children when the parent is positive to COVID-19, and we have raised concerns about access to RATs for carers who don’t have a concession card.  

Our team has also provided comment on the FOOD ORGANICS GARDEN ORGANICS (FOGO) trial in Belconnen. We have also written to the Minister regarding the situation of hospital fees for people with disability who no longer need acute hospital care but who are waiting for appropriate housing or housing adjustments. Likewise, we have continued to represent carers in discussions about housing needs and is providing input to the workshops regarding the mental health workforce.  

As always, we promise to keep you informed of any formal opportunities for you to provide comment and/ or representation. However, we are always keen to hear from you about any issues that have concerned you in your caring role via



From 23 to 25 Feb, the first public hearing of 2022 of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability will examine the experiences of people with disability engaging with the Disability Employment Services (DES) program. The Royal Commission wants to hear about the experiences of people with disability, their families, carers, and the broader community to examine the impact of violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation against people with disability, understand the extent of the problem and make recommendations to prevent it from happening in the future. 

Find more information on how you can make a submission or share your experience here.  



The ACT Government is inviting people with disability, families and carers to join the ACT Disability Health Strategy steering committee which will play an instrumental role in planning for lifetime health services that meet the diverse needs of Canberrans with a disability. By joining the committee, you will contribute to ensuring Canberrans with a disability can access quality health services where and when they need them.  

Find more information, including how to apply for the committee here. Expressions of interest close on 25 February 2022. 

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2/80 Beaurepaire Cres, Holt, ACT 2615