National Carer Wellbeing Survey now open! Carers Australia has partnered with the University of Canberra to conduct a national survey into the wellbeing of carers and their support services.
If you, or someone you know, are in a caring role, no matter the extent or duration of the role, we would greatly appreciate your input. By participating in the 2024 Carer Wellbeing Survey today, you will also have a chance to enter a draw to win a gift card.
Your feedback will be used to strengthen carer advocacy and shape national policy about the current wellbeing experiences of carers, and how support can be improved for carers across Australia.
The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous. Click on this link to take the survey. Carers ACT comment on Chief Psychiatrist’s recommendations ACT Health recently released the Chief Psychiatrist’s report recommending reforms on the care, treatment, and support provided to individuals found not guilty due to mental impairment and subsequently released into the care of mental health services. The recommendations acknowledge the critical role carers play within the mental health system, a recognition Carers ACT have long advocated for. The changes proposed promise to ease the frustrations carers often encounter, ensuring their invaluable insights and experiences are respected and utilised.
We are particularly encouraged by the move to ensure carers are notified about ACAT review hearings and actively involved in leave processes. This involvement is crucial for enhancing both the quality of care and community safety. Carers ACT likewise supports the ACT Government's response in forming a cross-government taskforce to address these recommendations, provided that it operates under independent oversight
Carers ACT commits to continue advocating for a mental health system that balances individual rights with the safety of carers, consumers and the broader community. We recognise the deep impact of incidents prompting this review and extend our heartfelt thoughts to all affected. We urge respectful dialogue around these recommendations and caution against stigmatising language that can harm.
You can read the full Carers ACT media release here. ACT Government health investment announcements The ACT Government has announced an investment of an additional $17 million to enhance emergency services in the Critical Services Building and expand critical care throughout the Hospital campus. The new Critical Services Building is set to open in the last quarter of 2024.
This investment will be used for:
- Setting up two specialised triage points in the new Emergency Department. More triage nurses and administrative staff will be added to reduce waiting times and improve patient outcomes.
- Creating a dedicated Behavioural Assessment Unit within the new Emergency Department. This six-bed unit will have a committed team of doctors and nurses to provide specialized care for patients with complex needs.
- Expanding the Medical Emergency Team to cater to the larger footprint of acute care on the Canberra Hospital campus. The service will incorporate more Advanced Practice Nurses and a new Nurse Practitioner position to assist critically ill patients.
Read more about it in the media release from Ministers Barr & Stephen-Smith.
Southside Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – now at Bowes StreetThe Southside Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has now relocated to Bowes Street in Woden. The new venue provides enhanced therapeutic spaces for children, youth, and families. The new location's proximity to the Woden shops and public transport will make it a more accessible sit for carers and consumers using the service.
You can find information on getting to and finding the southside CAMHS location on Canberra Health Services’ website. If you want more information on how to refer to and access CAMHS services check out this link.
Share your thoughts at the Carer Collective on psychosocial supports!Join us for our next Carer Collective at the Denman Village Community Centre to share your views on the NDIS Review's proposed changes to psychosocial disability supports. Psychosocial disability is a term used to describe a disability that may arise from a mental health issue.
We will be discussing what a new, specialised early intervention pathway for people with psychosocial disabilities could look like, what supports it should include and how it can best aid the recovery process.
We will also discuss foundational supports for people with psychosocial disabilities who are not eligible for the NDIS, focusing on the clinical and non-clinical supports that can best meet the needs of carers and the people they care for.
Date: Wednesday, 20th March 2024 Time: 10am-11:30am Location: Denman Village Community Centre, 5 Felstead Vista, Denman Prospect ACT
Register now! RSVPs close 11:30pm Monday 18/03/2024.
Senior Practitioner Act review forumAs part of the review the Senior Practitioner Act 2018 (ACT), JFA Purple Orange will be hosting a forum on Thursday 14 March 2024, from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm to hear from you. Alongside the Mental Health Act 2015 (ACT), this important law governs restrictive practices, which are often used when a person's behaviour may be unsafe for themselves or others.
The forum aims to hear from people with disability/mental health conditions who have had restrictive practices used on them when receiving services, as well as their families and carers. If you have experiences or knowledge about such practices being used by services covered by the Act, we encourage you to attend this session. Your input will be used to consider what changes, if any, need to be made to the law.
The forum will take place at the Mental Health Consumer Network Inc- The Griffin Centre (20 Genge St, Canberra ACT 2600) and will be available online via Microsoft Teams. Accessibility features will be available on request. Read more about the forum and register using this link.
Job opportunity for individuals with lived experienceACT Health is seeking an individual with lived or living experience of mental health challenges and/or suicidality for a full-time, permanent position of Policy and Project Officer - Lived Experience. The role will work closely with the Lived Experience Director towards greater inclusion of people with lived experience, embodying the principle of ‘nothing about us without us’.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to support the development and delivery of exciting reform practices and processes, policies and engagement across community and government. This includes initiatives like Peer workforce design and co-production activities aimed at amplifying the voices of those most directly affected by current policies and service delivery. This is a opportunity for carers with lived experience to engage in employment with a supportive team environment, working collaboratively across health and human service sectors.
Applications close on the 25th of March 2024. You can find out more about this position and how to apply via the ACT Government’s employment site.
Participants needed for study on consciousness and psychosisA study on consciousness and psychosis is being conducted by a researcher pursuing their PhD at the ANU. The study aims to explore how changes in consciousness such as fluctuations in wakefulness, quality of awareness, and effectiveness of memory and decision-making can affect personal experiences of psychosis.
If you, or the person you care for, identify as a mental health consumer who has experienced at least one psychotic episode, are over the age of 18, and reside in Australia, you are eligible to participate. Reliable internet access on a computer or mobile device is required.
Participation involves completing an anonymous online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes. This is a valuable opportunity to share your experiences and contribute to deeper understanding of psychosis. Learn more about the study and access the survey here.
‘Connecting with People Who Care’ at theMHS Forum 2024The Mental Health Services Learning Network will present its annual TheMHS Forum in April focusing on the theme ‘Connecting with People Who Care’ and a mental health system that embraces family, carers, kin, whānau and community. The Forum will explore the tensions, barriers, solutions and remaining challenges in developing a mental health system that is inclusive of family, carers, and supporters.. TheMHS Forum 2024 is set to take place on 9-10 April at the Mercure Sydney.
Registration is now open. If you are a carer who would like to attend the forum and would like some support, please reach out to MHCV via to discuss how we can help you.
'Perspectives 2024': a lived experience e-symposiumThe Finding North Network is organising an e-symposium titled 'Perspectives 2024' to be held on March 19-20. This online event aims to present diverse voices and perspectives based on lived and living experiences. The underlying theme of the event is ‘Amplifying Lived Experience Perspectives for Connection, Awareness and Change’. Speakers with various approaches and ideas in the lived experience space will share their insights about recovery, healing, advocacy and hope.
Registration for the event is FREE and can be completed via this link. Empower: body acceptance skills groupThe Empower: Body Acceptance Skills Group is a free group program run through the ANU Psychology Clinic. Participants complete eight sessions over 12 weeks in a small, supportive group setting, facilitated by a team of psychologists. The group focuses on providing evidence-based information and tools that help participants to build on the ways they already care for their bodies, connect with their body in a positive way, and promote health and wellbeing. The program is delivered in-person and/or online.
Adults (18 years +) living in the ACT and surrounds who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, particularly arthritis, asthma, back problems, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and osteoporosis are eligible for the group.
You can find out more on the ANU Psychology website. To register your interest, please phone the ANU Psychology Clinic on 6125 8498. Learn more about Carer Gateway services and supportsCarers NSW is hosting a 1-hour online session on Thursday, March 28, from 11:00am - 12:00pm dedicated to providing an overview of the Carer Gateway, the national support service for carers funded by the Australian government. The Carer Gateway offers tailored services and support to help carers manage their challenges, reduce stress, and plan for the future. The session aims to provide an understanding of the carer support planning process . Register now and take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the resources available to you as a carer. You can also find out more about the Carer Gateway via the website, calling 1800 422 737, or reaching out to Carers ACT.